Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Super Hero Cape

Welcome to my new project...A place for me to share my sewing projects! I received a sewing machine for my birthday in 2009 and am just getting into it, almost a year and a half later! I will try to give credit where credit is due as I share my projects. My plan is to take pictures as I'm making something, but that may not always happen. But there will definitely be pictures of the final projects!

My wonderful friend, Angie, gave Liam a Batman cape for his 2nd birthday. I finally had the guts to go for it and create another one. I just copied the Batman cape, consulted with Angie via email on a few things and got started. Here's the fabric, before cutting:

Cutting around the completed cape:

Cutting the back side of cape:

Completed front side:

Completed back side:

By the way, Liam picked out the fabric! Here he is, as Flame Boy! (Notice the red shirt he just HAD to wear to match!):

Finishing this project gave me a little more confidence, so I headed back to buy more fabrics and am almost done with my next project and starting another one. I feel quite proud!!

Things I learned:
*Never sew sticky velcro to secure it. The sticky gummy stuff got all over my needle.
*How to change my sewing machine's needle.


  1. Fabulous job mols!! Can't wait to see this bag that you are making and I love this new blog! Great idea!!


  2. Thanks, Girls! I'm excited to continue trying new things!!

  3. I love that you have a things you learned section...we could all have a blog just on that! Good job on the cape!
