Laying out the pattern:
I had to hand-stitch the flames, but it was nice to sit outside and get this step done while Liam played in the pool:
Flame sewn inside the base and the completed fins:
One completed side, the front panel with the pocket on it:
All three panels sewn together and the base connected. The base was the toughest part to sew on, as the fins and flame were all on the inside of the rocket as I was trying to feed it through my machine in a circle! Looks like quite the hot mess here:
Finished project, sitting in Nora's booster seat:
Proud new owner of the "Rocket with a Pocket":
Things I learned:
*How to read/pin/use a pattern.
*Pinning your project as you go definitely helps it turn out better.
*What "staystitch" means.
*Sewing ribbon is tough, as it is extra slippery.
*Giving something to a child who watched the project take shape is immensely satisfying!
Dude you are gettin good!! What a great idea and a great gift... I'm sure Liam is in heaven!!
Awesome! I put One Yard Wonders on my birthday list.